ytiradilos eht
ytininrete litnu
the righteousness
holds thru all the time
the earth cronicles by Zecharia Sitchin
The book of Enki is recommended to read, the lore how we were made is indeed shocking read this for sure. Order the book it is worthwhile. The sixt table is the decisife there you can read how sick it was.
We are a hybrid creature between godly astronauts and upright going apes. Our lives and its incompletnesses are nothing but a consequence.
If you would read all i have written you would probably be frightened it aint fun. I wished god would have populated the world by himself.
Or how would it be with a suncult? Is the sun not truly our creator?
Wouldn't it be better to believe into enlightenment than singing halleluja.
I want to place an easel in church and hung that walltowel over the painting of the crossed one.